ryan rose

Winning the Cutting Game On Line w/ 4-Star Parelli Professional Ryan Rose / Horse Training Video

4-Star Senior Parelli Professional Ryan Rose does a really nice job in his Habits of a Horseman video breaking down how to win the Cutting Game On Line! 

Aspen and I have just begun dabbling in this and I think I chose a really good time to teach it to her.  She has great confidence in herself and in me while playing On Line and usually this helps bring out her play drive and mental engagement.

This has been not only a fun thing to teach her to stay provocative and progressive, it has also been great for her to build some physical fitness by practicing to keep her weight back and her front end light.  

I'll try and get some video of us playing with this soon!  She's very impressive when she uses her body correctly and becomes powerful and engaged! 

Warming up a Left Brain Horse w/ 4-Star Parelli Professional Ryan Rose

Great video from 4-Star Senior Parelli Professional Ryan Rose discussing warming up the Left Brain Horse.  Ryan "over agrees" with his horse's ideas to help him let go of his "druthers" and become more connected to Ryan's ideas and direction.

This works for Right Brain horses as well with the "no brace" and "let me help you run off all that adrenaline" attitude.  When Aspen needs to move her feet because she's feeling especially RBE I always try to have a, "Great! Let me help you move your feet...over that log, over the jump, between the barrels, onto the pedestal, sideways down the fence, etc...." until the thinking side of her brain kicks in and she can begin acting like a partner again.

The "let me help you" attitude will have a different techniques and strategies when dealing with Left Brain and Right Brain horses, but the goal is the same - calm, confident, connected!

Right Brain - running, around, kicking at the wind.

You need to move your feet?  Please do!  Over these barrels! 
And keeping moving them faster and faster!
Until you've run off your adrenaline and feel like a partner again!