Ups and Downs before the Fast Track, Audition Results

Man, oh man, have things been crazy hectic in my life lately!  Mostly in regards to getting my insurance requirements met so I could attend the Fast Track - after multiple applications and meeting with my insurance agent, in addition to getting pulled over for a broken tail light last night, planning my best friend's bachelorette party, working full time, caring for my dogs AND getting time in with Aspen has left me exhausted, stressed, and stretched thin! 

Finally today I got all my insurance stuff worked out, had a great ride on Aspen, scored a sweet deal on some ID tags I needed to label all my stuff, AND...drum roll please... got my audition results back!!

I got a L2++ Freestyle and a L3 On-Line.  I am most surprised and pleased with my FS score!  It's been our weakest point and so to score so well in an area I was unsure about has been the boost I really needed this week!  I am most proud of our L3++ score for RELATIONSHIP On-Line and my L3 score for Relationship Freestyle as well!  I am just so thrilled that our highest mark in both savvies was in the area that mattered most!  That really feels special and I feel humbled and thankful to have a relationship with Aspen that is strong enough that others can see and feel it too.

If you haven't checked out my auditions stop by my YouTube Channel and leave a comment or give it a thumbs up if you like it :)

On-Line Comments: Well done Samantha! Keep developing your Patterns and distance, and keep refining your Phases long/soft/subtle/intense Phase 1, quick 2, 3... then effective Phase 4 if needed. Also, really be conscious of where you are not fully releasing your Phase 1 and truly finding neutral. Savvy on!

Freestyle Comments: Samantha, great Fig 8 with diagonal changes! On your mount/dismount, keep your Carrot Stick on the same side as you. Remember your leg as Phase 3- eyes, belly button, leg... then rein/stick. Also, make sure you are finding a true neutral/casual rein. Enjoy your Fast Track!