Dave Ellis Summer Clinic

I want to share an email I received from Margot Doohan about Dave Ellis' clinic this coming July.  Please contact Margot if you're interested in details or attending!


This ‘youtube’ video (below) is the single best way to describe what you can expect with the Advancing Horsemanship and Cow Working Clinic at Wolf Creek Montana in July.

Who~~ Dave Ellis Parelli Master Instructor, 5 Stars

What~~ Advancing Horsemanship and Cow Working  Horse Camp

Where~~ Wolf Creek, Montana at the Rocking Z Cattle and Guest Ranch

When~~July 1-July 6

Why~~ Learning Vacation… completely justifiable.. Take your horse and the two of you have a super time, learning and bonding. It will refresh you for the entire year.

How Much~~  $1100 for Dave’s instruction

Room and horse board are handled separately by calling or emailing the Rocking Z at 406-458-3890  NOTE THIS; Patti and Zach Wirth, owners, of the Rocking Z give Parelli Clinic students a really good deal on your room because they love and promote Parelli Natural Horsemanship

Cancellations:   Deposits and payments are non-refundable unless you can find someone to take your place or we have a waiting list.  Special circumstances will be handled at our discretion.

Reserve your rider position now!  Call or email me, Margot Doohan, doohan.margot45@gmail.com 

A 50% deposit of $550 will hold your space.  The remainder is due 6 weeks prior to the event.  Make your checks out to my Margot Doohan and mail it to 4113 Vanguard Dr. Lompoc, CA 93436
Call me or email me for more information.. 805-588-2880

Look at Rocking Z’s website http://www.rockingz.com/
Check out all their other videos.  You’ll get a real feel of how much fun you’re going to have.