Samantha Thorning
(On Line, 30 mins) Spent some time
grooming Aspen today and doctoring her beautifully healing leg. Played
with yo-yoing in and out of her stall until she took a deep breath and
relaxed. She has some anxiety about being in the barn if it's windy and
if there aren't any other horses or myself right next to her. Glad she
takes comfort in me being with her but not so happy to see her fret and
pace if I leave to go to the tack room. Went for a short walk down the
road with my boyfriend and his dog and Aspen. Got passed by two
vehicles and she did great. Saw a few spooky things and she was such a
champ. Funny how calm she is about leaving the property and walking
down the road and what a spaz she can be inside the arena... How