Must have done something right yesterday
because look who jumped in the trailer yesterday!
First natural trailer
loading this girl has ever had and I am SO proud of her! Took her to
the vet who said the joint looks good but had to cut lots of proud flesh
off the wound and gave me some new meds to help heal up that nasty cut.
The sooner it's healed the sooner we can start riding again! :)
Here are a few photos of her at the vet getting her leg worked on. Although the vet's office left a lot lacking in the horsemanship department, namely refusing to let me handle Aspen once inside their facilities, I am glad she went and got checked out. The assistant was holding her by the halter and practically pulling Aspen on top of her as Aspen progressively went more and more RBE (what about trying to confine a scared prey animal and pulling it ON TOP OF YOU makes sense to anyone??). I would love to see more vets and farriers become Level One graduates and have a simple and basic understanding of how horses think!