11/12 - First wash since coming home from the vet.  The black stuff was scab that I couldn't remove...



Aspen giving me the "please let me go out with my friends" look.  Breaks my heart to know she's not as happy as she could be... But at least this is just temporary until she heals.

My pretty girl coming to see me and hang out.

I look like a HUGE blob here - haha!  It's all the layers of Carhartt I had going on that day to block the wind.

Poor thing bonked her head in the trailer on the way to the vet (she's accident prone!) hence the wound balm on her face.  Emma (7) and her cousin (6) came out to check out what I was up to with Aspen today.  After I doctored her leg they helped brush her, pick her feet, oil her mane and tail, and put it in braids.  They also fed Aspen a bazillion apples... I no longer am her favorite person! ;)

Cute photo of Bonner & Denali (Corgi) having a snuggle and warming up after getting back from the barn.