Are you ready to turn your life around? Introducing Dynamite’s newest product, 180™. This homeopathic and herbal formula is designed to break your addiction to carbohydrates and sugars, while helping burn fat reserves. Some users experience weight loss of up to three pounds daily! •Regain health •Break unhealthy addictions •Find your potential! 180 in the Body The 180 program is real and it works to produce results in the majority of adult individuals. With commitment to the program you can expect to see significant results in your health, weight and overall quality of life. We encourage you to follow the protocol entirely for maximum benefit. The primary ingredient in 180 is a homeopathic form of the human hormone hCG, which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is a glycoprotein that is produced in large quantities in pregnancy. (Both men and women have male and female hormones, so this program is just as successful for men!) In the body, hCG is responsible for making the abnormal fat reserves of the body available to be burned as fuel. In pregnancy, it is used to protect the nutritional health of the growing baby; however, in conjunction with this program, it is used to rid the body of the abnormal fat deposits. Rest assured, 180 helps stave off any hunger pangs that a restricted diet may cause. With the introduction of 180, thousands of extra calories begin to flood the system from the abnormal fat being metabolized. -Excerpt from the 180 Protocol- Pat and Linda have lost a lot of weight using HCG drops too! Check out their article in the February Savvy Times! Follow Stefanie's blog, who just started her 180 diet - see her meal tips and track her progress. Listen to a conference call among Dynamite distributors outlining the health benefits and protocol for 180. Check out Dynamite's blog to follow other 180 users, get meal and recipe ideas, and for more information on 180. Email me at for additional information on 180 or to place an order. I will be starting my 180 diet soon and will be sure to keep you posted on how it works for me!! |