stick to me

Impromptu Liberty Fun!

Playing with Aspen at Liberty in the pasture. This was the first time she's offered some really nice draw backwards from Zone 5!!! Totally cool! I got a little greedy with the jumps towards the end, kept offering and she wasn't ready for them... Remember if it doesn't work two times in a row at Liberty, GO BACK ON-LINE! Which is what I did at the end to make sure Aspen felt clear and confident about my request for her to jump. I loved her draw in this video, her playfulness, and her connection. It's the second time we've played at Liberty since August and one of very few times in an open, grassy pasture. What I see for myself in improving is my timing and my phases, I think my Phase 1 could be lighter and more subtle... and who knows why I was crouched over when yo-yoing her up the hill... lol Didn't even realize I was doing it. Oh the beauty of videoing! If you liked the video, like and share it, or leave a comment! :) Thanks!