Here's a great Q&A from Parelli Natural Horsemanship! Why should you do Parelli if you're not having any problems at all with your horse?
"I have a 3 horse step up, slant load trailer. My horses load and unload great. They walk in, with me by their side. I hook them up, say "get over", they move into position often without me even touching them and I close the gate. Exiting they walk out quietly, they can back out quietly also. Why should I ask them or teach them to do differently if this system works? I believe in "Murphy's Law" - if it works, don't fix it.
We tend to agree... if it isn't broke, don't fix it! If you are happy doing what you are doing, then don't change. If this is only about loading into a trailer, you don't need to know any more. What we are presenting to you is a philosophy and program that extends well beyond what people can normally do with horses. Many people can lead their horses into a trailer, but when they ask the horse to go in without them... uh uh! By Pat's estimation, that's a problem! It's not what you can do with horses that's important, it's what you can't. That is what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary and Pat just happens to set goals for horse lovers that have never occurred to us, just to test that level of savvy and partnership. We're in the business of teaching people to teach their horses to become calmer, smarter, braver and more athletic in all kinds of situations: on the ground and on their backs, with a rope, without a rope, with a bridle, without a bridle and in situations that defy normality in what's normally done with horses. It's redefining the norms of horsemanship in every way and by the way... horses love it! Loading a horse into a trailer while standing outside of it is not so much about getting the horse to load, it's about making a profound psychological change in the horse in terms of his mental and emotional capacity to not act like a prey animal, and to follow the direction of his (human) alpha and do things prey animals would never do (like loading into a metal cave on wheels by himself) because his level of trust for the human is so high. And this translates into everything you ever want to do with horses and then some. Pat often quotes his mentor, Troy Henry, on these issues... "when you truly savvy trailer loading, you'll truly savvy the horse, mentally, emotionally and physically". So, it's not about the trailer. In Levels 3 and 4, you'll have your horse loading at the trot or canter, forwards or backwards...and at liberty, from boggling distances, in complete confidence and with enthusiasm. There's nothing cooler. It's about trust, respect, communication at higher levels, imagination and creativity, stimulation of the horse's brain, a close connection and greater sophistication of language. Let me tell you, horses dig it! Not to mention the humans!" - PNH
Some photos of Aspen and I playing in all Four Savvys - shooting for excellence!