Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (Freestyle, 45 mins) Hopped right on Aspen out of the pasture yesterday just because it felt like a good idea :) Opened and closed our first gate - wasn't terribly pretty but we got it done - even with a slightly difficult chain, it certainly doesn't help that she's so tall and the gate chain is so low! Required a little extra leaning and hoping on my part :) Felt inspired to ride in the big field where she was a little hot so we just did some snakey bends until she calmed down and then I got some beautiful stretchy circles and 3 amazing backups with her just marching backward!

Saddled her up, warmed up OL, then hopped on to practice more cantering. Started with some great steering with the CS - FTR, CL, and CoD, then moved onto the canter. She was a little rushy and did a few dolphin bucks but I feel like there's progress. I know I just need to keep at it. It's so hard to get myself organized and in harmony with her, my legs under me and balanced, and stay emotionally relaxed when she's just hoofin' it like there's no tomorrow. She's fast, she's slow, she's bucking, she's stopping, she's going left then right. But I'm feeling more and more confident on her so I know that will help me get more relaxed and improve my Fluidity. 83 days until my FT to get this all sorted out!!


Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 30 mins) Played w/ the 45' line yesterday and asking for transitions and stretching on a circle. Had some great sideways and she's really offering to put her feet on EVERYTHING!! lol


Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (Freestyle, 45 mins) Practiced backing, FQ & HQ yields, and sweeping turns with the CS. Then played with canter - feeling more relaxation and slowness which is nice. Really tried to work on my legs being under me and practiced some techniques from the Colleen Kelly article in the most recent Savvy Times.

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 60 mins) Used the 45' line today to work on some transitions. Had the saddle dumping left and the pad sliding down on the right... Not sure what was up today with that.

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, Aspen got her teeth shined up today!

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (Freestyle, 30 mins) Rode at the trot until she relaxed on a big F8 - then practiced cantering on both leads, ended with great relaxation going to the left!

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 15 mins) Warmed up OL with the yo-yo game on a circle - speed within the gait and transitions.

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 60 mins) Played with entering and crossing the creek as well as trailer loading and allowing the divider to close and another horse to load with Aspen. All went well!