Buckster - the retiree

Bambi! :)  She loves both myself and Aspen!

Aspen coming in to see me in the field!

Ride safe kids!!

Aspen's newly developed double mane :)

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 45 mins) Had such a nice afternoon with Aspen today! She met me in the field and we slowly made our way back to the barn playing a little touch-it or yo-yo over the pivot ditches as we went. She was pretty lazy again today so we focused on extreme friendly game, Z5 driving, and some more stretching on the circle by driving Z3. Also did a few jumps and turns on the F8.

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (Freestyle, 30 mins) Had such a nice and super fun ride on Aspen today. Played with CS riding - we were able to do some circles and the F8, walk and trot! She got a little excited and bracey just a couple times but was easy to bring back down and we continued on with such a pleasant ride!