Aspen doing her Spanish Walk toward me in the pasture to earn a treat :)

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 30 mins) Played with Aspen after a week of being gone - so good to see her again! Lots of exuberance on the F8 and wasn't halty and stuck in the corners :) Even got some FLCs that she offered herself! I asked her to canter a couple circles and was waiting for her to soften and connect to me before asking her to change direction around one end of the F8. I saw her make the change and about 3 strides later right as I was going to ask her to change direction she beat me to it and offered to come and check in with me. So cool that I could see it before what happened happened and awesome that she offered to come back to me! Didn't play with the ball today because it was SO windy! Didn't ride either because I had my boyfriend drag the arena to break up all the ice instead. Will ride tomorrow in my lesson with Jenny Trainor! :) Very excited!