— Samantha Thorning

Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (On Line, 15 mins) Aspen's leg is looking so, so, so much better! The wound is really filling in and all the bubbly proud flesh seems to have ceased growing. I've finally begun alternating the caustic powder with some wound salve every couple days to really promote healing.

I played with her on-line for just a few minutes today. Would have played longer but with the cold temperatures and biting wind I was starting to go numb. Had a few nice (and sound!) circles and some great, great, great figure-8's. I didn't ask for them at the canter but she offered and did flying changes in the middle!!! Wow!! Certain things are really coming together for us - I'm sure it's a combination of all the undemanding/friendly time we've spent together since her injury and my developing awareness of accepting what she's offering to me and then shaping it into a desired outcome for both of us. Today we got 3 steps of Spanish Walk too!! So cool! I have to be careful with this one because she wants to offer it whenever she's unsure of what I want... which is cool but I don't want it to become a habit to default to Spanish Walk all the time. :) Silly girl.