Sometimes I think I am a little slow which means that Aspen probably thinks I've only got half my wits about me sometimes. I've had TWO blinding flashes of the obvious this week that I think will really change how I play with her and therefore enhance our relationship.
My first one was with the barrels. Aspen has always had a lack of confidence jumping my two barrels laying side by side but never a problem jumping my slightly taller jump constructed with rails. Because the jumps were approximately the same height I couldn't figure out what the problem was with the barrels...then it FINALLY ding-dong dawned on me (HELLO!) - it's because the shorter length of the jump was also creating an additional squeeze on her. Doi, doi, doi *head slap* - how long have I been in this program for?! Perfect timing too because a friend of mine just gave me two new barrels to add to my collection for a total of four. Now that it's four long she has no problem going for it and in fact has built a lot of confidence in just a few days that she's not just willing to jump it, she's AIMING for it! :)
Second BFO of the week was in regards to my Follow The Rail and Cloverleaf pattern. When I first began Parelli I thought you had to play the games in order every time, understanding that first game builds to the next and so on. Then as I progressed I realized sometimes there's a time and a place to get a horse out of your space quickly using the driving game or maybe you need to get a horse moving his feet a bit before he can even think about standing still so you can play the Friendly game. So it goes with the patterns then too. Follow The Rail was first in the line up so I was going to make darned sure we had it down before moving onto the next thing. But she had all this energy and impulsiveness and wanted to DO something so I decided I'd try the Clover Leaf, which we could still technically play FTR for portions of it. Well, wouldn't you know, it settled her and we could get right down to business. She started looking for where we were going to stop and acting like a partner. It was the equivalent of the figure-8 pattern over the circle, especially for an RBE type horse. So, note to self, don't ALWAYS stick to the order of things. I have instincts and the ability to feel of and for my horse so I should USE them. Our FTR is also much better now!
Entry from yesterday on Parelli Connect:
From today:
My first one was with the barrels. Aspen has always had a lack of confidence jumping my two barrels laying side by side but never a problem jumping my slightly taller jump constructed with rails. Because the jumps were approximately the same height I couldn't figure out what the problem was with the barrels...then it FINALLY ding-dong dawned on me (HELLO!) - it's because the shorter length of the jump was also creating an additional squeeze on her. Doi, doi, doi *head slap* - how long have I been in this program for?! Perfect timing too because a friend of mine just gave me two new barrels to add to my collection for a total of four. Now that it's four long she has no problem going for it and in fact has built a lot of confidence in just a few days that she's not just willing to jump it, she's AIMING for it! :)
Second BFO of the week was in regards to my Follow The Rail and Cloverleaf pattern. When I first began Parelli I thought you had to play the games in order every time, understanding that first game builds to the next and so on. Then as I progressed I realized sometimes there's a time and a place to get a horse out of your space quickly using the driving game or maybe you need to get a horse moving his feet a bit before he can even think about standing still so you can play the Friendly game. So it goes with the patterns then too. Follow The Rail was first in the line up so I was going to make darned sure we had it down before moving onto the next thing. But she had all this energy and impulsiveness and wanted to DO something so I decided I'd try the Clover Leaf, which we could still technically play FTR for portions of it. Well, wouldn't you know, it settled her and we could get right down to business. She started looking for where we were going to stop and acting like a partner. It was the equivalent of the figure-8 pattern over the circle, especially for an RBE type horse. So, note to self, don't ALWAYS stick to the order of things. I have instincts and the ability to feel of and for my horse so I should USE them. Our FTR is also much better now!
Entry from yesterday on Parelli Connect:
From today:
Samantha Thorning
(On Line, 60 mins) Played with the same concepts as yesterday on-line.
Had marked improvement in our circles today and with trot/canter
transitions! :)
Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (Freestyle, 60 mins) Had a great ride again today - she really has the head down concept while moving. Incredible she picked it up so fast and that I got out of her way to learn it. :) Getting softer and softer and more confident each day.
Samantha Thorning with Aspen, (Freestyle, 60 mins) Had a great ride again today - she really has the head down concept while moving. Incredible she picked it up so fast and that I got out of her way to learn it. :) Getting softer and softer and more confident each day.
Z5 on the barrels yesterday |
Touch it on the spouty thing on the pivot today |
Cow moving down the road today |