Spent our first all free-style session together!! It went great - she was so much more relaxed this time!! I finally could feel the benefit fo riding with my carrot stick for the first time today. I always understood the concept of the one rein/carrot stick riding, but felt it made me slower and more awkward....but today I could see that because I was slower in changing the rein over or having to organize myself to use my carrot stick in conjunction with my aides that it actually helped PREVENT me from micromanaging Aspen and helped me be a more clear communicator... Add pressure slowly, but remove it quickly. The carrot stick and one rein really helped me accomplish that today. Very pleased with how this afternoon went! :)
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Check out our progress on Parelli Connect! You can join for free for 30 days and have unlimited support in your horsemanship from other members and watch all of the Parelli Level 1 material for free instantly!