Ants in Her Pants

Aspen had ants in her pants today!  I wouldn't say she was necessarily RB but definitely on the cusp for a while before having a full blown RB attack a little later in the afternoon.  *sigh*  It's days like these that force me to remember to play with the horse that shows up and to have a plan ahead of time but be FLEXIBLE as different situations arise.  So needless to say I didn't do much riding today at all, I got on her and walked around the arena at the end of our time together but she wasn't eliciting a feeling of confidence from me so I just got off.  There's always tomorrow!

We played with reaching a more true sideways without a fence, as well as traveling circles, transitions, being more particular with foot falls when yielding hindquarters and forequarters, extreme friendly game, and jumping the barrels.

Aspen from the road

My new hat - trying to keep the sun off my ears!

Aspen from the road again. :)