It is windy and snowy as I write this now but a little while ago it was a warm 39 degrees and still air. You bet I took advantage of that and went to see my little Aspy. She was a dirty mess when I got there so I spent quite some time cleaning her up and covering her in lavender baby oil. We then played On Line where she showed me a much improved Sideways, put an effort into seeking out the jumps (and even offered to jump the barrels!), and put effort into putting her foot on and in the center of the tire. We trotted the weave pattern with more quality today and I can see the value in repeating the pattern not for hours at a time but day after day. A little bit of this and that each day builds great foundations over time!
I mounted her from a bucket today which required me to jump up onto her back and she had NO negative response to the mount or dismount today! Just practiced some Follow The Rail, changing direction, and some small circles. I keep forgetting to get my colt saddle out there so I can send her to it and let her investigate it and play some good quality friendly game with her and the saddle. Until I do that it's just bareback riding for now.
After that I put her in the round pen and asked her for a little Sideways at Liberty and a few circles - the draw was awesome again! I took some video of her which you can see at - sorry for the poor quality, it's from my cell phone again. But at least there is no annoying wind in the background! You'll see a snubbing post in the round pen (not even in the center) that I routinely run into while trying to do things in there! I deleted the video where the post and I had a formal greeting this afternoon - haha!
The other horses in the pasture with some of the mountains behind them. |
Trotting in the round pen.
Imagine what that stride will look like when she actually starts using her back!
Coming to me off the circle. |
Love the mountain and clouds behind her. |