Parelli Finesse - Lateral Maneuvers & Horse Training

Here is the missing piece if you're riding in Finesse!

I had been struggling with Level 4 Finesse for a while. After a Fast Track and an Externship I still didn't feel like I was really "getting it" and felt very unsuccessful in this Savvy.

I watched ALL of Parelli's Finesse material, including Colleen Kelly's rider biomechanics but still no real breakthroughs were happening for me and my RBE mare, Aspen.

When the Finesse Training Sequence came out I was fortunate enough to get some coaching from a friend and one of Linda Parelli's proteges. I finally felt small, positive changes when playing in Level 4 Finesse. The Carving Turns and Supple Rein were the big things we took away from the FTS lessons.

I continued the struggle as it were for another few months, making small improvements as time went by.

Aspen and I had a lot of things going for us but the final hurdle were lateral movements. I just couldn't figure out why they weren't working. I tried everything, I had taken advantage of a lot of campus time at the Parelli ranch, as well as educational DVDs and other material. It certainly wasn't for lack of trying that Aspen and I couldn't get our laterals to a Level 4 quality.

Then I had a magical lesson with 3-Star Parelli Professional Mattie Cowherd (Partners in Horse Play). In this lesson she said that laterals were simple, it was just Level 1 movements with a Level 4 quality.

To grossly oversimplify, it is basically this:

Shoulder-In and Half Pass are direct reins while Leg Yield and Haunches-In/Out are indirect reins. Add some focus, a little weight to the correct stirrup, and BAM! You're doing laterals with your horse.

It was literally this one, simple piece of information that made it so that in just a handful of rides I could film my Level 4 Finesse.

For anyone that is riding in any Level of the Parelli Program take note! Those simple rein positions and basic Porcupine Games with your leg that you learn in Level 2 FreeStyle - that's what's going to get you there for Level 4 Finesse.

I've likened the connection between Levels and Savvys to rungs on a ladder. In order to reach the top you need to fully explore and develop each rung along the way.

If you're struggling to develop something going forward in your Levels journey then it's time to look back. Start going backward through the 7 Games, the Levels, the Savvy - whatever it is so you can isolate, separate, and recombine. I promise you, it will pay dividends in accelerated progress!

Read Mattie's breakdown of laterals here!

Parelli Savvy Club - How Do You Use It?

At Parelli Central, we’ve been sharing a lot of content straight out of our Savvy Club through social media lately, and we have been delighted with your responses to our education-themed topics!
This inspired me to write a blog about all the fantastic things YOU can find in the Learning Library section of the Savvy Club!
First, you just need to be a member. The Savvy Club is the world’s leading horsemanship education club. Members have access to thousands of horse training videos and educational articles, direct access to Pat and Linda Parelli, and support from over 22,000 fellow horse lovers and nearly 400 Parelli Professionals!
You can choose your level of membership by clicking HERE and choosing Membership > Membership Options from the left menu bar.
Not sure yet if a membership is for you? Don’t worry! You can try the Savvy Club and ALL of its features for a 90-Day Free Preview! Click HERE, then choose Get Started and select Preview; use Referral Code P9610, with no credit card required and no obligation!
Now that you are a member and you’ve logged in, choose Learning Library from the top menu bar. You have arrived at a page that should look very similar to this, pending your level of membership:
This next step is the most important, and it’s a question only you can answer: What do you want to learn about today?

You can type anything into the search box – “trailer loading” (28 videos, 1 audio, 43 Q&As, 2 documents), “rearing” (3 videos, 37 Q&As), “bucking” (4 videos, 1 audio, 57 Q&As, 1 document), “FreeStyle” (70 videos, 18 Q&As, 12 documents), “Liberty” (81 videos, 3 audios, 5 Q&As, 11 documents), “colts” (17 videos, 3 audios, 30 Q&As, 2 documents), or any other topic you want to learn about.
Your search results will show up to 100 of the most relevant results, and will be sorted by available Video, Audio, Question & Answers, and Documents (articles, pictures, self-assessment checklists, etc.).
You can also view content by selecting a topic in any of the six categories at the top of the Learning Library: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Advanced (includes Foal Handling, Colt Starting, Lead Changes, and Jumping), or Pick Your Topic (includes additional libraries based on your level of membership, current and back issues of Savvy Times magazines and Savvy Club DVDs, Parelli TV, Horsenality, Problem Horses, Junior Savvy, and LOTS more!).
Below that, we’ve collected some of our newest and most popular videos, followed by in-depth Parelli Connect tutorials.
In addition to all of the educational content, you will also find in Parelli Connect that you can connect with other Savvy Club members, Parelli Professionals, and Pat and Linda Parelli, along with walls where focused discussions are held around a particular subject, such as a certain Level or Savvy.
The depth of the Savvy Club is in its immeasurable amount of information, support, community, and goal-tracking tools to help keep you inspired, educated, and empowered! Become the best horseman you can be by committing yourself to never-ending self-improvement through the Savvy Club!
Keys to Success found in the Savvy Club:
  1. Attitude 
  2. Knowledge
  3. Tools 
  4. Technique
  5. Time
  6. Imagination 
  7. Support 

Have questions about how to get the most out of your membership?  Head on over to my FACEBOOK PAGE and shoot me a message or write me at