Jake Biernbaum's Savvy Moment - Following a Feeling / Driving Game / Zones of a Horse / Liberty / Parelli
Check out another awesome video from 3-Star Parelli Professional Jake Biernbaum. In this Savvy Moment Jake discusses the Zones of a horse and how to affect them through a suggestion - the horse following a "feeling". This isn't a physical touch it's managing the life and intent in your body to influence your horse through the Driving Game. Jake finishes this video by playing at Liberty and demonstrating how to move your horse without actually touching him.
When applied correctly your Driving Game can really help your Draw, getting your horse's respect from a greater distance, and allow you to communicate with the subtlest of suggestions!
One of my favorite Driving Games right now is driving Zone 3 on a circle to help Aspen relax her ribs and become more athletic. I also love the Rockslide! Have you seen this? Check out the Parelli Theory / Study tab at the top of this blog to see the Rockslide pattern diagram at the bottom of the page!
Aspen and I at the Parelli Ranch in Colorado during a Liberty Spotlight in 2013! |